Success Stories

I got to book a TV series called “Siren” and I got to do some tank work with some professional free-divers. We trained for like six weeks to be a mermaid. I had to train with a monofin in a public pool and then when I was filming, I went to their pool, which was a big tank in Vancouver Film Studios. I had to keep my eyes open in the water. I really liked becoming a mermaid.
They have taught me how to do a self-tape, how to do camera work and blocking, and they have taught us we have to help our fellow actors.
I would be yellow because yellow shines bright like a star, just like me.
I would be Starfire from “Teen Titans Go!” because she has pretty pink hair and she can shoot lasers from her eyes.
I choose a ferret because they are energetic and fun to play with, just like my dogs.
The most exciting part is being on set. I love it because I get to meet so many people and make new friends. It’s so much fun!
LeBlanc School of Acting has helped me get more connected to the characters I play. They make every class a lot of fun.
Turquoise because it’s my favourite colour.
I would be Iron Man because I love Marvel, and Iron Man has an awesome suit, he is rich and super smart.
A goldfish.
The most exciting thing was working with an Oscar-award winning actress. I wish I could tell you who, but I can’t tell you because it hasn’t aired yet. She was super powerful and really kind.
LeBlanc has helped me come out of my shell. Athena, Julian, and the rest of the coaches have made me feel more confident in any move I make.
I would be turquoise because it’s a pretty, unique colour, and it makes me feel happy and safe.
I’d like to be Vanellope from “Wreck-It Ralph” because she is free to do what she wants. I like how she is confident and fearless.
I would pick a parrot because I always used to wish I could live in nature and fly like a huge parrot. The colours are beautiful too.
Booking Riverdale because it was on my 11th birthday. It’s fun being on set and meeting the rest of the cast. I like experiencing new things, like being new characters.
I’ve been at LeBlanc School of Acting for two years. I go every Saturday and I learn different things each time. I love the opportunities for workshops, meeting new people, and making new friends.
I would be light pink because it’s my favourite colour.
I would be Garfield because he reminds me of my cat. He’s funny, cute, and he eats a lot.
I would choose a parrot because they are colourful, you can talk to it and you can train it too!
It’s always exciting to book new roles and then watch it on screen to see how it’s all turned out. The best roles are the ones where I get to work with some of the same cast or crew because it’s really fun. But I love meeting new people too.
LeBlanc School of Acting has taught me some things about acting that I never knew before I started going, like crying on demand, eyelines in a scene, and improv, which is my favourite. Julian has done one-on-one coachings for auditions with me, which has been really helpful. All the coaches are great and every week we learn something new. I’ve made so many friends because a lot of amazing people go to LeBlanc School of Acting. The best part is we get to do it together and help each other out if we are stuck.
I’d be orange because it’s my favourite colour and it’s a very vibrant, upbeat colour like I am. Also, it looks a bit like fire, which I think is cool.
I would be the Road Runner from Looney Tunes because he’s really fast, really funny, and really smart. He’s also a prankster, which I am sometimes, and is innovative with Acme products to stop Wile E. Coyote.
I would choose a parrot, so I could teach my parrot jokes to tell people. If it’s a knock-knock joke, after we respond, he’ll respond.
Probably seeing people I had grown up watching on set and then getting the chance to actually work alongside them.
LeBlanc School of Acting was the school that showed me how to dig deeper and it really helped me get out of my shell.
Green, maybe?
Probably Roy Batty from Blade Runner. A super strong, beautiful android in search of his creator. Sounds like it’d be a very epic day.
Breaking Bad, but I am still binging it!
The most exciting parts have been the first thing I booked — it was a Shaw commercial — and the first feature I booked, which was Brahms: The Boy II.
When I started acting, I would always look at the camera and sway around when I was doing my lines. It took me a semester or two [at LeBlanc School of Acting], but then I stopped. They taught me to have good eye lines, that I can look in the camera if I need to, and not to fidget that much.
I would be the colour purple because that’s my favourite colour and when I see it, it brings me joy, and I want to bring joy to other people.
I would be Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls because she likes doing research on stuff when it’s something that interests her and that’s what I like doing. So, when I wanted dog, I would do research and show my parents all the research about a dog, but then they would say: “We’re not getting a dog.”
A ferret! I want one, but my Mom won’t let me have one. They are cute and I saw a video of them. You can hold their spine and it looks like they are dancing!
I would say it has been about expanding my craft, working with different directors and having an amazing team around me. All those things collectively aid each other and result to being the highlights of my journey thus far. Every opportunity to tell a story and live a story is a highlight.
I had the privilege of being taught by Julian LeBlanc and Athena Russell who’ve pushed and guided me towards meeting my true potential. They create a safe space for students to be their authentic self and that’s important, especially when you’re new to the industry. When you find teachers who see you for you and won’t accept anything but your best, you work harder and hopefully surprise yourself.
I would be a little bit of everything. I wouldn’t want to be stuck as one colour because, in a way, there’s limited growth and adaption is important to me. Maybe I’ll start off being a sparkly red crayon and then slowly morph into different colours and shades. It sounds cheesy, but as an artist, I don’t want to create in a box, I want to consistently grow.
I would be Frances from the movie Frances Ha, directed by Noah Baumbach and starring Greta Gerwig. I picked this character because I find Frances so daring, as she is tremendously alive. Regardless of how messy her life gets at certain parts of the movie, she has desires, longings and she wants to live life to the fullest. As quirky as Frances is, she is unapologetically herself and there’s something so alluring about being free in your truth. It’s admirable.
The last show I binged was Euphoria. I think that show is brilliant. In my perspective, the show is about different ways of dealing with trauma and finding yourself. It is extremely well done, the cast portrays so much freedom and rawness in their work. Watching it has increased my love for cinematography. I am looking forward to season 2!
I really liked working on The X-Files because I got to pretend I was playing on the playground and I got to act with a creepy doll named Mr. Chuckleteeth. I loved working on The Baby-Sitter’s Club too because there are lots of kids. Last but not least, I also went to the YEAs [Young Entertainer Awards] in California and won!
LeBlanc School is the best! They are great teachers. Julian is so awesome and caring. Athena is funny. I can’t forget Jeff, he’s fun too. I get to meet cool people. I get to act in games, try scripts, and there are all kinds of lessons to learn. I like the thief game where you try to get past the lasers.
If I could be a crayon colour, I probably would be red. It’s a happy colour, it reminds me of campfires and it’s the colour of love.
I have two: Venom from Spider-Man and Scooby-Doo. I would choose Venom because I like aliens and slimy things, and Venom is a villain and he can shoot tentacles from his back. Scooby-Doo is my absolute favourite cartoon! He solves a lot of mysteries and he is so funny. He eats so much and he eats everything in one bite or two… or three!
If I could pick a pet, I would choose two. I would pick a ferret and a parrot. A ferret is cute and furry, and kind of looks like a long mice. I like parrots because they can talk and some are funny, and they have colourful feathers. My favourite parrot is Einstein [the YouTube sensation from the Zoo Knoxville in Tennessee] who is so cute and smart. He doesn’t copy anyone, he just says what the people want him to say.
Filming and getting to see it on TV and then making some money. I just bought myself some Nerf guns and when I’m older I’ll buy my Mom a teal Lamborghini.
They give you lots of clues that can help you out with acting. I also liked learning how to cry. They taught us how to stare and not to blink, so it’s easier to cry.
Blue because it’s my favourite colour. It’s like my lucky colour.
Chase in Paw Patrol because I like the colour blue and he helps solve mysteries. I like solving mysteries and puzzles like Chase.
Parrot because I like getting dirty and they live in the jungle and get dirty a lot.
Definitely being able to meet all these amazing people in the industry and being able to have conversations with them about what they have been doing, and how long they have been doing it for. It’s crazy just to hear from some of them who have been working for 10 years or longer.
Julian and his LeBlanc team have really helped me feel more confident about myself and they've helped me be myself, so that when I go to an audition room, I can just go in and nail it.
Probably light blue because light blue is a very calming colour. When I look at the ocean, I feel calm and that’s what it reminds me of.
I’d probably be a superhero like the Flash. He’s been my favourite superhero since I was young. I’ve always thought it’d be cool to be really fast.
The last was Outer Banks. It has a lot more meaning for me than most people because it’s about kids on an island who go treasure hunting and I am an island kid who likes hanging out with my buddies.
It would be my first voiceover role because it was a great experience and I felt like a professional in a big room. I love cartoons, so it would be an awesome thing to be in a cartoon again.
It’s helped me learn about emotions, become more confident and help me make new friends.
I’d be purple because it’s my favourite colour.
I'd be Mulan because she is brave. When I perform in front of people, I feel like I can be brave like Mulan.
I would pick a ferret because they are cute and fuzzy.
My most favourite parts would have been being on set, going to acting school, and meeting new people.
It’s actually been really good. It’s been helping me alot. When I’m in class, I feel good because I can meet a lot of new people and learn something new.
Yellow and red because those are my favourite colours.
I think maybe Eugene from Rapunzel.
I’d pick a goldfish because that’s one of the animals I’ve had before and I have experience taking care of fish.
Traveling to Costa Rica for a coffee commercial.
When we’re doing self-tapes from home, they taught me to position your camera, so you are in the centre.
Turquoise because I like the colour.
Heihei, the rooster in Moana. He’s so funny!
A parrot because I just want a bird. I’d teach it to yell at the cats!
Definitely the last couple months with Paw Patrol, but I have been in some great theatre productions like Matilda, Oklahoma and my favourite of all time, A Christmas Carol. I was in it for four years. My first two years I was Tiny Tim, the third year I was in ensemble, and my fourth and final year - which was the final year of the production - I was Young Scrooge. I’ve done a few TV specials and a few films, but definitely my theatre experience has been the best.
I joined LeBlanc last year. My first class was in March, starting with private sessions with Julian, but the group classes have given me confidence as an actor. Plus we’re working over Zoom, which I was really keen on. It gave me the confidence I needed for Zoom auditions, which I’ve done a lot of this year.
I would probably be red because a lot of people use red the most. Like the toys in Toy Story say, you want to be the one that is used the most.
I would be Jordan Belfort from the Wolf of Wall Street. His life seems so awesome and he sells stocks, and that has always been interesting to me.
I just finished this one 10 days ago, I was watching Community. It’s a sitcom set in a community college and it’s funny. It’s just really modernistic and stylistic compared to other sitcoms. There are a lot of important topics they cover with comedy.
Founded and based in Vancouver, but making dreams come true around the world.